1- PUFFY FACE- Could be- Late nights and midnight snacking
and poor diet can make your face swell…Note- For Post Party Headache And Puffy
Face, take an aspirin. Its
anti-inflammatory properties may combat the puffiness and will help your
Maybe- Under-active thyroid. Other symptoms include lethargy
and weight gain. Consult your doctor when you notice these signs.
Maybe- Dehydration, drink more water before going to bed and
when you wake. Try to drink at least 8 cups during the day.
3- FACIAL HAIR- Could be- A present from you mum and dad –
Body hair is usually a family trait.
Maybe- A hormonal problem such as Poly-cystic Ovaries……visit
your doctor
Maybe- Stopping or starting the pills.
5- GREASY SKIN- Could Be- A natural tendency.
MAYBE- A hormonal in-balance, particularly if its recently appeared, perhaps along with irregular periods and excess facial hair for women