All The Things That Love Is That  Friendship Isn’t……….
Love is a gift ,friendship is more like a Lease
Love forgets , Friendship forgives
Love does not Alter when Alterations finds it , friendship Sues
Love is blind , friendship is like a Private Eye
Love invests , friendship Speculates
Love serves , friendship Uses
Love is Unconditional , Friendship has Clauses
Love chooses , Friendship Finds
   As is well known, love is a gift, freely given . Friendship, however is more like a Lease because You can feel like you have been kicked out unfairly. And if you have been,read your lease agreement again :- No pet, No being sort of Boring, No being less Great than your friends’ other Friends………..
        The stalls are high as hell in the friendship Market today and the Bargaining takes different forms :-                                            FRIENDSHIP AS A STATUS SWAP MEET
Power traded for Glamour
Fame traded for Breeding
Intellect traded for Beauty
Liberal credibility traded for conservative credibility………….
          How much is your Wit worth when offered in exchange for someone else’s Beauty..??
How much Power can be brokered for how much Coolness..??
If you Bid so much Loyalty, how much Wealth is your friend required to have..??
What’s the Exchange rate between Sympathy and Excitement..??
How many Lunches equal how many Dinners…?
          The auditing, the calculations and the subsections are never ending . Sometimes the reasons behind the acquisition and sloughing off-of friends are not so obvious…..
So I ask, what is the “Legitimate use of the term “Friend” today…?
  Like businessmen using shell corporations to hide from the IRS.., some friends masks the real profits derived from their friendship by means of subterfuge ,…..,,
THE UNLIKELY FRIENDS.:- To an observer, When two people who are so different and so at odds , are friends, then they must Truly be friends else what could possibly unite them….?  Its simple : having friends from another social galaxy or ideology makes ONE seem so….Complex.
 ut for the most part, the basis of the friendship is very obvious. Forms of payment can be in kind – Professional Advancement .  Some people simply put their friends directly on the payroll.
   FIRST FRIENDS/BOUGHT FRIENDS:- There are those for whom the idea of receiving payment for their friendship is ridiculous and abhorrent . They Care about a friend as a person- a very famous and rich person. This type of friend Simply lives off and takes his whole identity from the Reflected glory of a Famous friend.  The first friend has Only his Sycophancy to offer but if his famous friend finds it worthy, the two can strike a Bargain – Slavish devotion in exchange for the right to be in Every paparazzo Pictures – partially obscured.....
     Like pre-mordern  sultans, some people are exempt from all this grubby haggling…. For them friendship comes with the wave of a hand. These people are very very powerful and famous. Isn’t it strange that television and radio waves exist all around us all the time, yet we are unaware of them…? Just turn on the television and images appear. Similarly , famous people have friendships that are invisible but can be activated at will. They are bathed in immaterial rays of mutual friendship. They are all friends as if by magic,without meeting, without speaking, without any possible business connection. Like People with a rare disease,all Famous people are connected by an invisible web of Loyalty and fellow feeling , the Relationship Simply have not been consummated yet .
  FRIENDS-:  These exists between individuals who genuinely care about each other , no strings attached .This type of friendship is very rare and exist among People of all classes. Though most regular people have to deal and take friendship where they find it.  The problem with friendship is that there is at once too much and too little of it…all at once
Have a Blast day............


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